Friday, August 15, 2008

Siggraph is over

Siggraph has come to a close, and I've walked away a little more informed than I was last week.

If there was an OpenGL BOF, I missed it. I was busy with the talks, and missed a number of things I'd liked to have seen. 

I enjoyed the Photon Mapping talk today; While I've been aware of it, and the basic ideas, I'd never looked at it in depth.  I like what I saw, and I'll have to pick up Henrik Jensen's book.  Matt Pharr's book also looks quite good, and I'll probably order both from Amazon when I get home. 

The talk on crowd simulation and perception was also interesting, and I'll have to have a look through the paper.

I picked up "Practical Multi-Projector Display Design", "Tensor Voting" and "Real-Time Collision Detection", each of which should keep me busy for a few weeks. Practical Multi-Projector Display Design should be helpful over the next few weeks as I setup our cave-like environment.

I'm looking forward to getting home, and I hope everyone had a good Siggraph. 

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